Sprinting Assessment
Top speed and acceleration are two of the most important factors in almost all sports, and the ability to improve speed is crucial to athletic development. At Bellin Health, the Sprinting Assessment uses state-of-the-art motion capture software, treadmill force plate data, a freelap timing system, and the 1080 Sprint machine paired with the expertise and trained eye of a sprinting specialist to analyze the way an athlete’s body moves while running at top speed. This detail-oriented assessment uses specific data points collected to determine how athletes of all sports can unlock their true potential for top speed.
Each Sprinting Assessment includes:
- A recorded video assessment using our SIMI motion-capture software.
- Analysis of speed, force, and power curves on the 1080 Sprint.
- Assessment of current top speed in MPH using freelap timing system.
- Load/velocity profile to help determine what avenue of training will lead to quicker results.
- An evaluation of strength & mobility measures important to sprinting.
- Gait-retraining instructions with a personalized home program to address assessment findings.
- A take-home report with photos of key points in a sprinter's stride and a report of the force plate data.
- Access to a team of sports medicine professionals including sprinting and running experts, licensed athletic trainers, physical therapists, primary care physicians, and orthopedic surgeons dedicated to helping you reach your sprinting and speed goals.
Please call (920) 430-4890 for pricing, as health insurance coverage may apply and may vary. Team and group rates are also available. Each assessment is 90 minutes.