Patients & Visitors
Let us connect you with someone who can help. Get in touch with our care team, and we'll point you in the right direction. This directory includes a list of our main lines for health-related services and patient resources at Bellin Health.
General Information
(920) 433-3500
Billing/Business Office
(920) 445-7210
Chaplain Services
(920) 433-3482
Room Information
(920) 433-3400
Altrusa Hospitality House
(920) 884-6677
Registration & Scheduling
Appointment Scheduling
(920) 445-7373
Patient Registration
(920) 433-6077
COVID/Flu Hotline
(920) 445-7313
Bellin Health On-Call
(920) 445-7373
Bellin Health On-Call
- Staffed by our care team and registered nurses, this call service is offered 24/7 at (920) 445-7373.
- Services include telehealth, nurse support, general questions and appointment scheduling.
- We'll assess your health concerns and direct the level of care to address your symptoms and medical condition.
- It's a confidential, health information and referral service.

Visit your secure online health portal to communicate with doctors, access test results, manage appointments and more. If you need assistance or have questions about MyBellinHealth, please call (888) 899-9114. We are available to assist you 24/7.
Welcome to Quick Pay. This tool can be used to pay your Bellin Health statement online.
Discover resources for health, financial well being, home life and more.
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