Phil Noble, NWTC
Spouse of NWTC employee, lost over 100 pounds, reduced prescription quantity and ran a half marathon, thanks to Bellin Health's Total Health program.
As the premiere local business and community health partner of Northeastern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Bellin Health helps businesses improve the health of their employees while making the cost of care more affordable.
Phil Noble's spouse Becky is employed at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. His journey to improved health is a direct result of NWTC's Total Health partnership with Bellin Health.
Company: Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Name: Phil Noble, spouse of NWTC employee Becky Noble
Achievements: Working on my diet and increasing my activity level, I lost over 100 pounds. My joints have never felt better. My prescription medications were reduced. I ran a half marathon this year and plan to do another one in 2023.
Life impact: If not for evaluating my health and working with my coaching nurse, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve my level of weight management, enjoy this amount of physical activity and eliminate some of the medication I was taking for blood pressure.
Phil’s story, in his own words.
My health and fitness, since working with a coaching nurse, has improved dramatically since I began back in March of 2021. I lost over 100 pounds by maintaining healthier eating habits and increasing my physical activity. My health coach introduced me to a dietician with Bellin Health, who has both helped me with my dietary guidelines and a good exercise plan.
After only a month and a half of working with my health coach, I had dropped over 30 pounds. During my visit with my Bellin primary care provider, she was able to decrease two of my prescriptions. This was one of my biggest impacts, not needing to take so many daily pills. Following my HRA visit, I was back within normal limits and did not have to take a reasonable alternate standard. My coach had helped me gain full control of my health and fitness.
“Phil told me that he wanted to start to take care of himself more and realized he needed to be in better health to enjoy retirement,” said Julie Johnson, LPN, Bellin Health. “His first goals were to lose weight, exercise more and decrease his blood sugars and need for sugary snacks. We established both short and long-term goals, and he saw significant results within 60 days of our first meeting. He benefitted greatly from the dietary guidelines and fitness plan we shared.”
Julie was phenomenal through the whole process. Her encouragement, compassion and knowledge on how to improve my health and truly get the best out of my retirement was invaluable. It was great to try different things, different foods and to get an idea of all the components that can affect my weight and physical condition. She helped reshape my life.
“He has made a huge lifestyle change and is happy about everything that he went through,” said Julie. “He ran the Cellcom Half Marathon in May, and I was there to greet him at the end of the race, to celebrate this accomplishment with him. Phil is a great example of how you can make a significant lifestyle change with the right coaching and information.”
I plan on running the half marathon again next year, something I never thought I’d be able to say two years ago. Thank you Julie and thank you Bellin Health!