How Does My Home My Care Work?
We have a team of providers that travel to our partner nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the Escanaba, Green Bay, Iron Mountain and Peshtigo communities. They provide routine physicals and assessments for patients who are unable to travel due to their condition. It is just like seeing a provider in the clinic, without the travel.
Will Providers Come to My Private Home?
Typically, our My Home My Care providers work with nursing homes and assisted living facilities. However, we will evaluate private home visits on a case-by-case basis. You can learn more by calling our team in your area.
Interested in My Home My Care?
If you are a loved one of someone who needs nursing home or assisted living services, or if you are interested on behalf of your nursing home or assisted living facility and want to inquire about partnering with our My Home My Care program, we invite you to call the number respective to your area.

What are the Benefits of My Home My Care?
Patients who receive care through My Home My Care will:
- Receive care from a provider more regularly
- Experience smooth transitions of care into a nursing home or assisted living facility
- Experience comprehensive, collaborative care between their facility's care team and their My Home My Care provider
- Be at lower risk for frequent Emergency Department visits and hospitalizations
Please call us to learn more.