Getting your regular, recommended cancer screenings is crucial to early detection and allows your healthcare team to begin treatment as soon as possible and can significantly improve outcomes for patients. Cancer screenings are designed to identify cancer in its early stages, often before symptoms even appear.
Talk with your provider to plan steps you can take to schedule regular cancer screenings that are right for you. The tabs below provide information about cancer screening guidelines by age.
Colon Cancer: If you are at an increased risk due to family history, genetic disorders or other factors, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. If you are not at a higher risk, then it is recommended to begin testing at age 45.
Cervical Cancer: Beginning at age 21 and continuing through age 29, it is recommended you have a Pap Smear test done every three years. If the Pap Smear results are abnormal, then an HPV test may be needed. We also recommend following HPV testing recommendations even if you have been vaccinated against HPV.
Breast Cancer: In addition to self-examinations, if you are at a higher risk for breast cancer, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin getting mammograms or other breast cancer screenings. If you are not at a higher risk, the recommended age to begin annual mammograms is 40.
Colon Cancer: If you are at an increased risk due to family history, genetic disorders or other factors, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. If you are not at a higher risk, then it is recommended to begin testing at age 45.
Colon Cancer: If you are at an increased risk due to family history, genetic disorders or other factors, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. If you are not at a higher risk, then it is recommended to begin testing at age 45.
Cervical Cancer: Beginning at age 30, it is recommended to have a Pap Smear and HPV test done every five years. We also recommend following HPV testing recommendations even if you have been vaccinated against HPV. You do not need cervical cancer screenings after a hysterectomy that removed the uterus and cervix as long as it was one for reasons not related to cervical cancer.
Breast Cancer: In addition to self-examinations, if you are at a higher risk for breast cancer, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin getting mammograms or other breast cancer screenings. If you are not at a higher risk, the recommended age to begin annual mammograms is 40.
Colon Cancer: If you are at an increased risk due to family history, genetic disorders or other factors, talk to your healthcare provider about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. If you are not at a higher risk, then it is recommended to begin testing at age 45.
Colon Cancer: If you are of average risk, you should begin colon cancer screenings at age 45. Talk with your healthcare provider about what screening method and how often is right for you.
Prostate Cancer: Starting at age 45, men with increased risk of prostate cancer should talk with their healthcare provider about risks, uncertainties and potential benefits of prostate cancer testing. Increased risk includes African-American men and men with close family members (father, brother, son) who were diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 65.
Men with more than one close relative who had prostate cancer before age 65 are at an even higher risk and should talk with their healthcare providers about starting testing at age 40.
Breast Cancer: Beginning at age 40, it is recommended that women start receiving annual mammograms. If you are at higher risk for breast cancer, talk with your healthcare provider about additional tests you may need.
Cervical Cancer: It is highly recommended to have a Pap Smear and HPV test done every five years. However, another option is to only get a Pap Smear test done every three years.
We also recommend following HPV testing recommendations even if you have been vaccinated against HPV. You do not need cervical cancer screenings after a hysterectomy that removed the uterus and cervix as long as it was one for reasons not related to cervical cancer.
Colon Cancer: If you are of average risk, you should begin colon cancer screenings at age 45. Talk with your healthcare provider about what screening method and how often is right for you.
Colon Cancer: If you are of average risk, you should begin colon cancer screenings at age 45. Talk with your healthcare provider about what screening method and how often is right for you.
Prostate Cancer: Starting at age 50, all men at average risk should talk with their healthcare provider about risks, uncertainties and potential benefits of prostate cancer testing.
Lung Cancer: Starting at age 50, if you are in fairly good health, talk with your healthcare provider about your smoking history and whether you should get a yearly, low-dose CT scan to screen for early lung cancer.
If you are an active or former smoker, getting screened for lung cancer may benefit you. Talk to your healthcare provider about this option as not all health insurances cover this screening.
Breast Cancer: It is recommended that you receive annual mammograms. If you are at higher risk for breast cancer, talk with your healthcare provider about additional tests you may need.
Cervical Cancer: It is highly recommended to have a Pap Smear and HPV test done every five years. However, another option is to only get a Pap Smear test done every three years.
We also recommend following HPV testing recommendations even if you have been vaccinated against HPV. You do not need cervical cancer screenings after a hysterectomy that removed the uterus and cervix as long as it was one for reasons not related to cervical cancer.
Colon Cancer: If you are of average risk, you should be receiving regular colon cancer screenings. Talk with your healthcare provider about what screening method and how often is right for you.
Lung Cancer: Starting at age 50, if you are in fairly good health, talk with your healthcare provider about your smoking history and whether you should get a yearly, low-dose CT scan to screen for early lung cancer.
If you are an active or former smoker, getting screened for lung cancer may benefit you. Talk to your healthcare provider about this option as not all health insurances cover this screening.
Colon Cancer: Screening for colon cancer is recommended through age 75. Men aged 76 to 85 should talk with their healthcare provider about whether continuing screening is right for them. Most men older than 85 should no longer be screened. There are many screening options, talk to your healthcare provider about what is right for you.
Prostate Cancer: Overall health and age are important when making decisions about prostate cancer screening. Men who expect to live at least 10 more years should talk with their healthcare provider about the uncertainties, risks and benefits of getting screened.
Lung Cancer: If you are in fairly good health, talk with your healthcare provider about your smoking history and whether you should get a yearly, low-dose CT scan to screen for early lung cancer.
If you are an active or former smoker, getting screened for lung cancer may benefit you. Talk to your healthcare provider about this option as not all health insurances cover this screening.
Breast Cancer: Women aged 65 to 74 can get a mammogram every two years or can choose to get one annually. Women older than 75 who expect to live at least 10 more years may wish to continue screening after talking with their healthcare provider.
Cervical Cancer: Testing is not necessary if you have had regular cervical cancer screenings with normal results for the previous 10 years. Women with a history of serious pre-cancer should continue testing for 20 years after diagnosis.
You do not need cervical cancer screenings after a hysterectomy that removed the uterus and cervix as long as it was one for reasons not related to cervical cancer.
Colon Cancer: Screening for colon cancer is recommended through age 75. Women aged 76 to 85 should talk with their healthcare provider about whether continuing screening is right for them. Most women older than 85 should no longer be screened. There are many screening options, talk to your healthcare provider about what is right for you.
Lung Cancer: If you are in fairly good health, talk with your healthcare provider about your smoking history and whether you should get a yearly, low-dose CT scan to screen for early lung cancer.
If you are an active or former smoker, getting screened for lung cancer may benefit you. Talk to your healthcare provider about this option as not all health insurances cover this screening.
Skin Cancer at Any Age
At any age, if you notice skin changes, it is important to schedule an appointment with your provider to get the changes looked at and addressed. Skin lesions are a common sign of skin cancer and they can appear anywhere on the body but are most often found on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, arms and legs. Recognizing the early signs of skin cancer is crucial for early detection and treatment. Regular self-examinations can help detect skin cancer at its earliest stages.
Know the Signs and Symptoms
Knowing your body and paying attention to any changes is another aspect of early detection. It is important to understand the common signs and symptoms of cancer.