Keeping germs out of the hospitals, clinics and other locations key to stop the spread.
Green Bay - Bellin Health is urging potential hospital and clinic visitors to stay home when sick to help stop the spread of a variety of seasonal illnesses.
“From post-holiday gatherings to dealing with colder temperatures, increases in colds, flu and other respiratory viruses are not uncommon this time of year,” said Bellin Health Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. David Brooks. “While there is a lot happening within the hospital and clinics to help reduce the spread, there is plenty our community can do as well.”
At Bellin Hospital and clinics, staff frequently clean and disinfect high-traffic areas to avoid the spread of illnesses. Masking is strongly encouraged to anyone who is not feeling well; however, visitors are encouraged to stay home if they are sick and to not return until symptoms are gone.
“Limiting spread within our hospitals and clinics has allowed Bellin to avoid instituting mandatory masking at our facilities, though we do continue to monitor community and internal spread in case changes are needed,” said Andi Hume, VP, Safety and High Reliability for Bellin and Gundersen Health System. “We can all work together to stop the spread, and that includes making good choices around vaccination, hand hygiene and where we choose to go — or not go — when ill.”
Bellin Health providers recommend ensuring you are up to date on vaccinations such as influenza and COVID-19. Virtual visits can also be a way to help reduce the spread. With virtual visits, community members can know if testing should be required or receive guidance on what types of over-the-counter medication can help with their symptoms. Providers also encourage people to avoid large gatherings and follow their school or employer’s guidelines for attending when symptoms of illness are present.
Prevention is key to moving through this season. Utilize MyBellinHealth to connect with a provider.