The Bellin Health Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) Pharmacy Residency program builds on the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and empowers new pharmacists to become responsible for the medication-related care of patients with a wide range of conditions. After this year, residents will be well-equipped to pursue board certification and postgraduate year two (PGY2) pharmacy residency training.
- Orientation (6 weeks)
- Medical Pharmacist (6 weeks)
- Intensive Care Pharmacist (6 weeks)
- Pharmacy Operations (6 weeks)
- Medication Safety (6 weeks)
- Cardiac Pharmacist (6 weeks)
- Staffing*
- Projects*
*Longitudinal Rotations
- Psychiatric Provider (6 weeks)
- Oncology Pharmacist (6 weeks)
- Ambulatory Care/MTM Pharmacist (6 weeks)
Additional Activities
- Participation in Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee meetings (P&T)
- Preparing and presenting a lecture at the Bellin School of Nursing
- Every third weekend, with one day off before or after assigned weekend
- Three 8-hour shifts each pay period (bi-weekly)
- One major holiday
- One minor holiday
Project Requirements
Residents are required to:
- Design, develop and complete a research project, which must be reviewed and approved by the Bellin Health Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Present their project at ASHP Midyear, PSW Wisconsin Pharmacy Residency Conference, or another meeting approved by the Residency Program Coordinator and complete a publishable manuscript
Application Process
Applicants must be registered with the National Matching Service and the PhORCAS system. Application packets must include:
- Official College Transcripts
- Letter of intent
- Curriculum vitae
- 3 letters of reference (minimum)
Program NMS Code 264813 2023-2024 positions available: 1
Application Deadline
The 2023-24 deadline is not yet available.
For additional information, please contact:
Nelson Milbach, Pharm.D., BCPS
Residency Program Coordinator