We care about your well-being as you travel through life. With an interfaith, inclusive approach that emphasizes the dignity of the individual, our chaplains respect the spiritual beliefs and needs of everyone as we provide an enduring pastoral presence. Our team is trained to be sensitive to diverse religious beliefs and practices. Whether you are seeking guidance, prayer or someone to talk to, we can help. The Spiritual Care Services team is here to provide spiritual resources for our patients, loved ones, family members and staff.
Chaplains are available to listen and provide you and your family with a supportive presence as you face challenges while respecting your faith traditions and values.

The Phil & Betsy Hendrickson Chapel is in the lobby of Bellin Hospital in Green Bay. This quiet space is always available for those who seek time to pray, meditate or breathe. The chapel's serene atmosphere offers a much-needed respite from the bustling hospital environment.
The chapel's location in the hospital lobby ensures easy accessibility for patients, their families and hospital staff. It serves as a reminder that amidst the chaos of illness and healing, there is a place of serenity and hope. Many find solace in spending a few moments here before or after medical appointments, finding a sense of peace that helps them face the challenges ahead.
Faith Leader Visits
In addition to visits from our chaplains, patients can call upon their faith leaders to visit and provide support consistent with personal faith practices. We understand that personal faith practices can bring comfort and strength during difficult times, and we are happy to help facilitate visits from your faith leaders. Our chaplains can make the necessary arrangements upon your request, ensuring your personal beliefs are respected and honored.
Spiritual Services Available
- Apply a faith perspective during hospitalization, recovery and end-of-life.
- Coordinate or administer sacraments such as anointing, communion, baptism, etc.
- Educate patients about advance healthcare directives (power of attorney).
- Provide hospitality to patients or families who need extra care.
- Spiritual care, emotional support and prayer during the challenges of illness.
Contact Us
Please reach out to us by calling (920) 433-3482. We can help with the spiritual and emotional needs of Bellin Health patients, family, friends and staff.