Approval Process
The Bellin Health Foundation staff must review and pre-approve all third-party event requests. A wide variety of federal and state laws apply to fundraising efforts, and it is important to be aware of the legal requirements and our event standards.
The Bellin Health Foundation is responsible for depositing all checks made payable to The Bellin Health Foundation
pursuant to internal financial and accounting policies and procedures.
Bank accounts may not be opened by anyone in Bellin Health Foundation’s name.
Funds raised for The Bellin Health Foundation are for unrestricted use only, unless approved in advance.
The Bellin Health Foundation does not provide insurance coverage or certificates for third-party events.
Making and Using Promotional Materials
If you wish to cite The Bellin Health Foundation by name, or use our logo, as a beneficiary of the event in printed materials – press releases, print, broadcast, electronic advertising, web pages, email message or any other promotional venues – all materials must be reviewed and approved prior to distribution.
Bellin Health Foundation staff must forward for review and approval all third-party event press releases and publicity appearances to the Bellin Health Marketing Team.
Publicity for a third-party event, in which the name of The Bellin Health Foundation is used, cannot conflict with publicity for a pre-existing event hosted by The Bellin Health Foundation.
Promotion of third-party events is the responsibility of the planners/hosts. The Bellin Health Foundation does not, except in rare circumstances, use our social media or email lists to promote third-party events.
Due to confidentiality guidelines, we do not share our donor lists or email communications address lists.
For more information, please contact The Bellin Health Foundation by telephone (920) 433-3731 or email.
These guidelines were approved by The Bellin Health Foundation Board of Directors on October 16, 2019.